Supari Killer’s Explosive Expose of Ravi Belagere Takes Twitter by Storm

Ravi Belagere of “Hi Bangalore” tabloid is always in the news for all the wrong reasons and this time for a dangerous one too! Police on Friday arrested Ravi for allegedly hiring a gunman to kill a former employee, Karnataka Home Minister Ramalinga Reddy said. "When the Crime Branch interrogated a gun runner (Tahir Hussain) who was picked up four days ago, he admitted to taking 'supari' from Belagere to kill his former colleague Sunil Heggaravalli. Based on his testimony, he (Belagere) was arrested," Reddy said.
The news shook the media world and people have been venting out their shock on social media platforms. Have a look at the explosive tweets.
This so called pen is mightier than sword ⚔️? journalist was a rowdy after all. #RaviBelagere — Anil online (@iamanilonline) December 8, 2017 Just like #RaviBelagere, i wish another goon turned journo #AgniShridhar is arrested & put behind bars as well. Both of them have been a blot to journalism in the state! — Chetan Anantharamu (@gandabherunda) December 8, 2017 #RaviBelagere now who blamed BJP and modi govt for the murder. Will you apologize now??@OfficeOfRG @prakashraaj @divyaspandana — Mallikarjun (@Mallikarjun_hr) December 8, 2017 A journalist given sufari contract to kill another journalist #Karnatak #RaviBelagere — Nancy Arora (@2bottle_down) December 8, 2017 Enjoyed success at peak Criticizing people with false news #RaviBelagere. Political lobbist, facing serious allegations on women harassment. — Annarao Patil (@AnnaraoPatil) December 8, 2017 #Journalist #RaviBelagere allegedly gave supari to kill another #journalist #SunilHeggaravalli. Where the #journalism has come upto..? #LawlessnessInKarnataka #Karnataka — Ashwin Banur (@Ashwin28) December 8, 2017 #RaviBelagere will tear apart the Cong govt in his news paper once he is out on bail by next week. — santhosh (@jhinkalak) December 9, 2017 This culprit should be jailed for life term .#RaviBelagere — SURESH G J (@sureshjayaram5) December 9, 2017 #RaviBelagere really if it's true so I think lankesh last few tweets before murder tells everything. Now media is converted molester tejpal to murderer ravi. So now how can we belive on Media. — Sunil singh dev (@IamDev_29) December 9, 2017 During the investigation of the murder of #GauriLankesh it came to the lime light that RaviBelagere a prominent n respectable journalist plotted n planned a murder of another journalist. Wht a grt utilization of super talent. #RaviBelagere #Karnataka — Priyadarshini Upala (@Priya_upala) December 8, 2017 Eagerly waiting for #PrakashRaj's comment on his best friend #RaviBelagere !! — Ranganadhan (@Ranganadhans) December 8, 2017 #RaviBelagere will the right wing morons read the news before commenting? The arrest is because Ravi wanted to eliminate another colleague NOT #GauriLankesh. — Prasad Shivadas?? (@Iam_an_atheist) December 8, 2017
Congratulations Karnataka Police??
What goes around comes back around..!!