Sunanda murder: Delhi police to quiz ten more

Sunanda murder: Delhi police to quiz ten more - Sakshi Post

New Delhi: Delhi Police will question ten more people, including Congress MP Shashi Tharoor's personal assistant (PA) and a family friend, in connection with Sunanda Pushkar's murder, officials said on Friday.

Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Tharoor's PA, was present in the hotel when Pushkar was found dead in mysterious circumstances Jan 17, 2014, said a police officer.
Police will also question Sanjay Dewan, the couple's family friend, who found Pushkar dead at 5.30 p.m. when he came to enquire about her health.
Senior journalist Nalini Singh with whom Pushkar was believed to be in touch over phone before her death will also be called to join the probe, the officer added.
Besides, they will call Tharoor's officer on special duty (OSD) Shiv Kumar Prasad and driver Bajrangi.  
The special team investigating the murder Friday visited the hotel where they questioned the staff and also went to the room where Pushkar had stayed.
On Thursday, police questioned Tharoor's domestic help Shri Narayan Singh for a few hours, during which he revealed that the couple had a fight before Pushkar was found dead. Singh had been interrogated by police twice earlier.
Police said Tuesday that Pushkar was poisoned to death.

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