Some lovers preferred porn over me: Actress 

Anderson has launched a ‘Sensual Revolution’ campaign with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach to try and educate people on the dangers of online pornography - Sakshi Post

London: Actress Pamela Anderson says she has dated men who preferred watching pornography to having sex with her.

Anderson has launched a 'Sensual Revolution' campaign with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach to try and educate people on the dangers of online pornography, reports

She says the volume of X-rated material is damaging men of all ages and she has been in relationships where her partners would lock themselves away in the bathroom to get sexual gratification from the internet rather than make love to her.

"People have porn addictions. You have this woman who is living and breathing and lying in your bed and you are in the bathroom with a computer, there's something going on that's not normal," Anderson said on TV show "This Morning".

"And yes, I have experienced that and a lot of my friends have. That's why we're talking about the sensual revolution. It's having intimacy and in an intimate relationship you have so much better sex, we're not prudes, we not saying no sex, we're saying we want better sex," she added.


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