Security heightened in Hyderabad after Bodh Gaya blasts

Security heightened in Hyderabad after Bodh Gaya blasts - Sakshi Post

The Hyderabad police have stepped up security and intensified checking in the city in the wake of serial blasts in Bodh Gaya, a senior police official on Wednesday said.

The IB issued a general alert (after the Bodh Gaya incident) and as a precautionary measure, 30 police teams are already conducting anti-sabotage checks, frisking and patrolling operations in different places in the city, Hyderabad Police Commissioner Anurag Sharma told reporters in the city. Regarding the ensuing Bonalu festival and Ramzan, Sharma said police have beefed up security arrangements.

Additional forces will be deployed to ensure their peaceful conduct and police will maintain vigil through CCTVs also, he added.

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