Third Science At The Sabha on Feb 11

Science at the Sabha - Sakshi Post

Chennai: As part of its public outreach programme, the Institute of Mathematical Sciences will hold public talks on different aspects of science here next month. The third edition of the event, called 'Science at the Sabha,' will be held at The Music Academy on February 11, between 4 PM and 7.30 PM, a release from IMSC said. The talks were aimed at anyone with an interest in science, irrespective of age or background and was free and open to all, it said.

However, a web registration is required in advance and can be done on the address ,it added. Speakers, who would be delivering talks, are: Shubha Tole from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, R Rajesh and Vijay Kodiyalam of IISc, Bengaluru and Guru Kumaraswamy from National Chemical Laboratory - CSIR, Pune. (PTI)

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