Samaikyandra 'Vratam', a novel way to protest AP bifurcation

Varalakshmi Vratam, a festival to appease Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, one of the Hindu deities.
Come this day, women visit temples and pray for the well being of their husband and children. But the scene is completely different in the Seemandhra region.
Hundreds of women performed Varalakshmi type puja. But changed the name as 'Samaikya vratam'. They were seen praying to Goddess Lakshmi, asking her to keep the state united. Scores of female workers did this in Rajahmundry.
Seemandhra protests too are getting novel by the day. The protestors feel any unusual method will attract the attention of High Command. Students were seen bathing on the roads and performing yogas. While some men are seen shaving on the roads, a few others are seen preparing food on the roads.