OU Students Cook On Streets To Protest Over Hostel Eviction  

The students staged ‘rasta roko’ and cooked food on the roadside late Saturday night inside the campus near hostels - Sakshi Post

Hyderabad: Expressing resentment over the Osmania University administration's decision to vacate the hostels, the students staged 'rasta roko' and cooked food on the roadside late Saturday night inside the campus near hostels. The students resorted to this after the officials snapped off power and water supply to the hostels. However, one the student says that snapping power and water supply it is affecting legitimate hostlers.

Vice-chancellor S. Ramachandram says that so far 100 non-boarders have vacated and others are being counseled and warned to vacate the room

"Several PG students staying in the hostels are jobless. By evicting them, the administration and the state government are betraying those who fought for a separate state," says Naresh Dudapaka, a journalism student.

The officials resorted to this action for a third time of snapping power and water supply and it says that it will not yield until the non-boarders vacate the hostels. Vice-chancellor S. Ramachandram says that so far 100 non-boarders have vacated and others are being counseled and warned to vacate the room. The academic classes would commence on Monday and keeping this view the officials want to speed up the process.

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