DIY Eyebrow Piercing Causes Infection and Death Of Brazil Teen Girl

Brazil Girl dies from deadly infection after piercing her own eyebrow at home - Sakshi Post

A DIY eyebrow-piercing session at home resulted in the death of a 15-year old school girl named Izabela Eduarda de Sousa from Brazil. As per reports the girl suffered a fatal infection in the eye which had swollen  after she pierced her eyebrow with the help of a friend at her home in Engenheiro Caldas in the south-eastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.

The teen had previously begged her mother to let her get the facial piercing but was refused. Even her other family members tried to reason with her to not get it done. Her parents were not aware that she had done it herself and three days later, Izabela started to develop symptoms of swelling on her face which became quite visible. She was immediately rushed to the hospital where she is said to have suffered a cardiac arrest. She was shifted to a better hospital and put on the ventilator, but the infection had already spread and sadly she passed away. Her family members have urged other youngsters not to indulge in such dangerous procedures at home in the name of fashion and to obey elders at home.

It is recommended such recommend that such aesthetic procedures including piercing be carried out only by professionals in specialised, licensed clinics.

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