Exam Stress - an ongoing saga

Has resolving a problem ever been this challenging? Should it really be described as an "ongoing phase"? Have you ever experienced stress? either psychologically, mentally, or physically. Stress from daily life is prevalent. Stress is a state of tension either emotionally or physically. It can be sparked by any situation or notion that makes you angry, irate, or anxious. Stress is your body's reaction to a demand or task.
How many of you have heard of exam stress? Many of us may have heard of "exam fever." How many of you dealt with exam pressure and stress is the primary query. Exam stress refers to the emotional, physiological, and behavioral responses triggered by future examinations or exams. It could be brought on by unpleasant exam memories from the past, a lack of preparation, worry about failing, or performance-related pressure. If college students feel their academic load is heavier, they are more likely to do poorly.
Children and teenagers who experience anxiety and stress related to exams and schoolwork may:
-Reflect on physical health issues (for example, stomach aches, headaches, etc).
-Not getting enough rest or food.
-Experience mood swings like crying, getting furious, or withdrawing.
-Be reluctant to discuss tests and exams or go to school.
-Be excessively critical of their errors and of themselves.
-Become obsessive in the way they work – unwilling or unable to break off.
Sometimes, students consciously put themselves through a lot of academic stress to make sure they don't fall behind in their understanding of a specific subject, but they often fail to recognize that everyone has a unique style of learning and responding. Nevertheless, they continue to exert themselves until they pass out. Why would you do that when there are more effective and better ways to manage your stress levels?
PM Modi advised the younger children not to worry. "In a sense, you're immune to exams. You have overcome such tests before, he continued. According to PM Modi, the knowledge they gained from prior exams would help them succeed in their upcoming exams. He also mentioned the possibility of missing some of the studies, but he urged them not to worry about it. "Remain calm. Maintain your daily routine. Be natural and relaxed. Exams should be taken while having fun and without worry.