Spoiler Alert Prema Entha Madhuram Today’s Episode June 21: Anu Horoscope An Obstacle For Arya?

>Sharada Devi learns that Anu’s horoscope is similar to that of Rajanandini’s horoscope. She fears that this would be an obstacle for Anu-Arya relationship. She asks the priest for a remedy. The priest suggests performing a Shanti Puja for their well being.
Meanwhile, Anu gets tensed as she did not tell her parents about her relationship. Arya comforts her saying that every problem has a solution and asks her to come to his cabin so that they can think of a solution.
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When Anu refuses to go, Arya drags her into his chamber. Then suddenly, Anu behaves like Rajanandini and she pleads Arya not to leave her. She asks Arya to promise her not to never leave her.
Padma cooks food for Anu and she starts from her home to visit her office. Raghupati and Rajini reach there and seek Paddu's permission to go with her. Will Padma take them along to visit Anu’s office is to be watched in the episode.
Also Read: Spoiler Alert Prema Entha Madhuram Today’s Episode June 19: Anu's Horoscope Missing