Sohel Earned Double Prize Money Than Winner Abijeet?

With Sunday’s episode of Bigg Boss, host Nagarjuna announced the winning contestants and drop curtains on the fourth season of the show. The Bigg Boss Telugu 4 grand finale was an extravagant evening filled with a spectacular performance by Mehreen, SS Thaman and endless entrainment. The popular television reality show has finally crowned its fourth season winner and its none other Abhijeet. After several grueling weeks inside the Bigg Boss House, top 5 contestants-Abijeet, Akhil, Sohel, Ariyana and Harika. However, Ariyana and Harika were eliminated from the house paving the way for the top three contestants.
Later, Sohel also walked out of the race by taking a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh paving the way for Abhijeet and Akhil. Netizens are slamming the host Nagarjuna and Bigg Boss splitting prize money, they are saying it’s totally unfair. One user commented that Bigg Boss makers have pre-planned about splitting the prize money. Another user said that the Second runner-up took double the amount than the actual winner it’s really history in Bigg Boss. They are asking where’s the value for public votes. Yes, it is indeed true, Sohel earned double amount than the winner Abijeet. Sohel has received over Rs 35 lakhs from the show including Nagarjuna's donation to the orphanage on behalf of Sohel. Check out a few Twitter reactions over spitting prize money:
Yeah bro am not talking about the votes and justification. Ikkada 10 lakhs annappudu prajala nammakam ani dialogue vesi 25 ani cheppina second i will take it sir annadu how can you trust this guy and .... #BiggBossTelugu4 #Sohel #Abijeet #AkhilSarthak
— NTR Trends (@NTRTrends_) December 21, 2020
#Abijeet ki 25 lakhs with 🏆 #Sohel ki 25 lakhs (nag 10)#Orphange ki 10 lakhs #mehaboob ki 10 lakhs (boss 10)#BiggBossTelugu4 #BBTeluguGrandFinale
— V@m$! 🏊 (@vamsireddy1218) December 21, 2020
If #Sohel got Money, I’m completely happy about it but the way @StarMaa already decided to break #Abijeet money is the point here
1. Why they offered Money twice? for Top4 & Top3 ?
2. Why they asked their dreams n insisted that amount suffice for #Sohel movie?#BiggBossTelugu4— ABIJEETIANS (@Abijeetians) December 21, 2020
#Sohel doesn’t deserve people respect. 45 lakhs vachai nene winner ani bytes And mehaboob antha lafoot gadu monati daka #Abijeet ani ipudu Sohel following ki winner ainatte ani sollu D. Ilanti characterless galaki hype icharu chudu thu @starmaa @iamnagarjuna #BiggBossTelugu4
— Krishna (@ImKr1shna) December 21, 2020
BB HISTORY lo nilichipoyedi #winner and #runner up anthe kaani fans votes ki fans love ki value ivvakunda self respect #thaakattu petti contestants theesukunna #money kaadu#akhil 👏👌🙌#Abijeet 🙌👌👏#sohel👎👎👎#BiggBossTelugu4#BBTeluguGrandFinale#AbijeetRuledBiggBoss
— Happy Soul (@HappySoul__00) December 20, 2020
Says it all😎 #BiggBossTelugu4 #BiggBossGrandFinale #Abijeet #AbijeetRuledBiggBoss #Sohel #SohelWinningHearts #AkhilSarthak
— Sreekar Pawar (@SreekarPawar) December 20, 2020
10 lakhs oddanna #sohel ki eela kottadu #mehboob
25 lakhs accept chesina soh ki eela kottadu mehu
5 lakhs offer chesina soh ki edchadu mehu
Ah 5 lakhs tirigi orphanage ki ista annappudu edchadu mehu
Iddariki ekdam clarity ledu... edo oogipotuntaru anthe #BiggBossTelugu4 #abijeet— BBcritic (@b_bcritic) December 20, 2020
@StarMaa you knew #Abijeet was going to become winner and still you decided to split his money. That was so bad! It looked like you already helped #MehboobDilse to give hints to #Sohel and #AkhilSarthak.#BiggBossTelugu4
— Laxman Sandeep (@lax_san) December 21, 2020
#Abijeet #BiggBossTelugu4 Funny thing is #Sohel was afraid to lose and decided to take 25L and run and the management decided to cut that 25L from winner's amount who was confident on himself and was ready to accept audience's decision at any time wheather win or lose. Chi!!!
— Deadly Honest (@Deadlyandhonest) December 21, 2020
Deducting from prize money is part of the bb game..It happens in every bb language.Every contestant knew it before come to bb.Many took that amount in many bb's. It's first time in telugu.#Abhijeeth kuda thanaku half amount vacchindhani meeantha feel ayi vundadu. #BiggBossTelugu4
— Sahaja reddy (@chsahaja) December 21, 2020
I wonder how come StarMaa cuts BiGgBoss Telugu Season4 title winner prize money? It’s not just unfair but actually cheating.. #BiggBossTelugu4 #BiggBossGrandFinale instead of voting system, they should have done this from week-1? Totally WRONG..and waste of people time and energy
— Amar Reddy (@amarbonthala) December 21, 2020
I think from next season ppl will play for 3rd spot which will give money by anyways and some peace.
Second place is jus a gimmick and the worst to have as you get nothing.
Being on top 1 is good but has to lose the prize money share.#BiggBossTelugu4
— AdityaVerma (@AdityaV2727) December 21, 2020