Krishnam Raju Succumbed to Severe Pneumonia

KrishnamRajuDisease - Sakshi Post

Krishnam Raju was battling Diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, post cardiac stenting with chronic heart rhythm disorder and heart dysfunction. The veteran Telugu actor underwent leg surgery and amputation for peripheral vascular disease last year. He also had chronic kidney disease, chronic lung disease- COPD and chronic bronchitis on nebulized inhalers.  

Also Read: Krishnam Raju's Bond With Prabhas

He was admitted to hospital for post COVID complications on September 2. Krishnam Raju had been diagnosed with severe pneumonia caused by multidrug resistant bacteria and fungal organisms, severe infective bronchitis. He had heart rhythm disturbances during the hospital stay as his kidney function worsened. He was put on ventilator support since admission. He was being monitored by a battery of experts from departments of pulmonology, critical care, cardiology, nephrology, infectious diseases, vascular surgery. He was on appropriate treatment. 

Krishnam Raju succumbed to severe pneumonia and its complications on 11.9.22 and expired at 3.16 am today with cardiac arrest.

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