Minor Boy Brutalised In Telangana For Refusing To Work Goes; Video Goes Viral

 - Sakshi Post

NIZAMABAD: A video of a stonehearted man tying up and brutally assaulting a 12-year-old boy for the fault of not turning up for work is going viral now. The barbaric incident, which can only be likened to the instant justice of the medieval age, happened in Malkapur of Nizamabad district in Telangana and came to light on Wednesday.

The video, which evoked outrage on social media, highlighted child rights abuse in twin sins -- promoting child labour and brutalizing the minor boy in a despicable manner that is beyond words to describe. The video clearly shows the older man incessantly beating the hapless boy with a rope who was already tied up to a bamboo stick.

The boy’s cries of pain failed to move the heartless man as he vented his vengeance with the brutal assault. While there are no two ways about who the real culprit is, the onlookers of the incident were equally to blame as no one in the vicinity came to the boy’s rescue and instead watched the entire episode of the ‘flogging horror’ with nonchalance.

Child rights groups are livid with the way the boy was subjected to torture under the pretext of not turning up for work. They demanded stringent action against the unidentified offender for employing a minor for work in the first place and then thrashing him up badly.

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