TSSPDC Officials in ACB Net Over Corruption

A Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company (TSSPDCL) line inspector and lineman were arrested by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) officials on Saturday for allegedly asking and taking a bribe from a complainant, Mulavath Laxman of Madhapur, in return for doing an official favour. The ACB officials first caught lineman M Satish red-handed when he allegedly took a bribe of Rs.10,000 from the complainant. Satish demanded a bribe to repair the electricity metre at the complainant's daughter's residence.
TSSPDCL's line inspector Prabhakar Rao, along with Satish, demanded the bribe. According to a news release issued by the ACB, Satish took the bribe on Rao's orders.
Rao and Satish working as Assistant Engineer (Operations) at Madhapur. The bribe amount of Rs 10,000 was recovered from the possession of Satish when the chemical test conducted yielded a positive result. Rao and Satish were taken before the special court for ACB cases here. If any public servant seeks a bribe, the officials advised residents to call to the toll-free number 1064.