TSIC Calls For Startups Across India To Co-develop Solutions With International NGOs

Telangana State Innovation Cell (TSIC) calls for startups across India to co-develop solutions with international NGOs. The program onboarded national and international NGOs namely: ActionAid India, World Vision India, Save the Children, PLAN International, HelpAge India, SOPAR-Bala Vikasa, Akshaya Patra, Youngistaan Foundation, Greenpeace India
October 9, Hyderabad: Telangana State Innovation Cell (TSIC), ITE&C Department, Government of Telangana launched Impact Labs, an open initiative that focuses on co-creation of solutions by Startups and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) for complex social issues. TSIC calls out Startups across the country with technological & non-technological solutions in the areas - Education, Health & Nutrition, Assistive Technology, Oldage Empowerment, Women & Child Development, Hunger, Agriculture, Livelihoods & Community Development, Climate Change & Clean Mobility, to apply for the program to co-develop solution with NGOs and implement at the ground level.
The NGOs onboarded for the program are - ActionAid India, World Vision India, Save the Children, Greenpeace, SOPAR-Bala Vikasa, Akshaya Patra, Youngistaan Foundation, PLAN International, and HelpAge India.
Principal Secretary to ITE&C Department, Shri. Jayesh Ranjan, IAS, said, "The growing focus on Social Impact under Startup Ecosystem should be attributed to the collaborations between various entities. The Government of Telangana has been very upfront in taking it to the next level, for which we launch Impact Labs, a program for another crucial collaboration between NGOs and Startups to work together."
Chief Innovation Officer, Dr. Shanta Thoutam, said, "In addition to establishing a connection between the scouted social startups and NGOs, which are onboarded from across India, Impact Labs will provide a platform for both the entities to co-create a Proof-of-Concept from the scratch for the defined problem statements & pilot the same in Telangana."
Executive Director of BVIC, Mr. Shoury Singareddy, said, "The idea of Impact Labs is exciting and offers ample opportunities to all development sector stakeholders such as CSRs, NGOs, Government, Social Entrepreneurs, and Social Incubators to participate wholeheartedly. Bala Vikasa is happy to collaborate with TSIC and will be engaged in the co-creation and subsequent development of relevant solutions by guiding and handholding participant NGOs and Social startups."
Problem Statements, Criteria & Benefits:
The startups can check the detailed problem statements at official website and choose to apply for the relevant NGO’s problem statement to co-develop the solution. The program spread out for 6 weeks is open for startups from across India. Startups solving SDGs and are at a scale-up stage are recommended to leverage the opportunity. It will have various phases from connecting the NGOs with Startups, understanding each other’s profiles, sessions and panel discussions on the collaboration, collaboration parameters, finalizing the problem statement, and co-working on the solution.
The eligibility criteria for a Startup to participate are: should be based out of Telangana or willing to set up their base in the State, have at least one founder working full time, and should be registered as a for-profit or section 8 social enterprise. The startups can leverage Tech Support and Cloud services by AWS, access to Telangana Social Startup Network, access the funding network, and showcase opportunities to Government and CSRs.
Impact Labs MoU signed between TSIC & Bala Vikasa:
An MoU was signed by Shri. Jayesh Ranjan, IAS, Principal Secretary to ITE&C Department, Dr. Shanta Thoutam, Chief Innovation Officer, Government of Telangana, and Mr. Shoury Singareddy, Executive Director at BVIC that aims to establish an Incubation Process as a part of TSIC’s Impact Labs program, and deepen the cooperation between the two entities, and promote utilization of shared resources.
The MoU focuses on the incubation facilitation by BVIC from the stage of the Proof of Concept development process for the selected startups from the time they have mapped to the NGOs to co-create the solution. BVIC would be supporting the program along the lines of mentorship, co-creation sessions, PoC development, CSR-connect for the developed PoCs.
Jayesh Ranjan, IAS, said, “We are extremely happy to be partnering with BVIC, an institution renowned for its progressive work in the social sector. Their incubation support for Impact Labs will be an important element to streamline the co-development of solutions between NGOs and Startups.”
Speaking of the same, Dr. Shanta Thoutam, said, “With this timely collaboration with BVIC, we aim to leverage its resources and connections in seamlessly strengthening the Social Impact sector in the State.”