Shravana Masam Special: What to do for auspicious results?

Shravana Masam in 2024 starts on August 5. This month welcomes auspicious times with festivals, marriages, house warmings, and other traditional events. But what is the significance of this month? Due to Shukra Moudyami, Ashadam and Guru Moudyami, marriages and other cultural events were on halt for three months. Starting on August 5, Shravana Masam will start welcoming holy events.
Shravan month is a holy month, the fifth month in the Hindu calendar. It is full of festivals and extraordinary for married women to perform various Vrathams. This month is called Nabhas in the Vedas, which signifies that Shravan Nakshatra assumes complete dominion by rising in the sky. The full moon day of Shravan month, Sawan Purnima, coincides with Lord Sri Maha Vishnu's Shravan nakshatra, the star of his birth. This is the reason this month is important and known as Sravanamasam.
Festivals in Shravanamasam:
This year, the Shravana masam starts on August 5, welcoming the following festivals: Nagula Chaviti on August 8, Nagula Panchami on August 9, Varalakshmi Vratam on August 16, Rakhi Pournima on August 19, and Krishnastami on August 27. Worshipping Lord Shiva on Mondays, Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays, Goddess Laxmi on Fridays, and Lord Venkateswara Swamy on Saturdays of this month brings immense luck and blessings to the lord.
Shravana Masam is notable for the Vara Laxmi Vratam, which occurs on the second Friday before the full moon. Women fast and perform vratham for Goddess Laxmi, making it an auspicious day. Goddess Laxmi is known for her wealth, health, wisdom, luck, and prosperity. Worshipping goddess Laxmi this month is a way of welcoming good luck into the house.
Varalakshmi Vratham:
Varalakshmi pooja is a famous ceremony performed by married ladies in South India. Although it can be done on any Friday, it is ideal for celebrating on the Friday that comes before Pournami during the month of Shravan.
There are several stories and ways to perform this pooja. The tale of Charumati is one of them. In her dream, the goddess Lakshmi observed her commitment to her spouse and family. I instructed her to follow the Varalakshmi Vrat. Lakshmi Devi also explained the Varalakshmi vratham pooja vidhanam.
Under the direction of Goddess Lakshmi, Charumati invited all of her friends, neighbours, and family. To perform Varalakshmi vrata, she received varalakshmi pooja goods and learned pooja vidhanam. The women who attended the puja were also bestowed with money and prosperity.