Rama Devi Lanka From Telangana Chosen As One Of The 3 Women In AI by Google

Rama Devi Lanka From Telangana Chosen As One Of The 3 Women In AI by Google - Sakshi Post

Google organized their Google for India summit 2022 in New Delhi on 19th December 2022. Rama Devi Lanka, Director of Emerging Technologies, was invited to attend the exclusive Women Will Session of the event. She was one of the 3 "Women in AI" who spoke about Emerging Technologies Wing and various AI initiatives undertaken by the Government of Telangana.

Emerging Technologies Wing was set up with the vision and unstinting support from the leadership including the IT Minister KT Rama Rao. ET Wing has formulated technology-specific frameworks in areas such as AI, Blockchain, Cloud, Drones, and SpaceTech. ET Wing has also set up five Centres of Excellences (CoE) - Telangana AI Mission, Blockchain District, Cyber SecurityCoE, e-wasteCoE, and National Centre in Additive Manufacturing (NCAM).

The ET Wing is also working on more than 35 plus projects across 12 domains such as agriculture, healthcare, education, microfinance, climate change, and others.

Addressing the audience, she said that ET Wing has been focusing on technologies such as AI and Cloud. AI can be a powerful tool for Governments to drive transformational impact across sectors. In AI, ET Wing is working on 15+ projects with over 30 partners. We want to leverage AI to impact lives at scale. The AI-based Pest Management project has helped farmers increase their income and thereby improved their livelihoods. To enable accelerated AI innovation Government of Telangana has taken multiple initiatives in the direction of creating a comprehensive digital agriculture ecosystem such as the Agriculture Data Management Policy Framework and Agriculture Data Exchange Platform. Telangana’s vision is to create something like a UPI, a very thin interface - which enables sharing of data across the ecosystem. This is a unique initiative that we want to apply across sectors.
Finally, she mentioned how Telangana will continue to focus on building products and solutions at the population scale that are going to impact billions of lives not just in India but across the globe thus pole-vaulting to a new era of digital transformation.

Also Read: IT Sector Expansion to All Corners of Telangana Reality Now: KTR

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