Rakhi Bonanza: Telangana Govt Okays Hike in Honorarium for VOAs

Hyderabad: The Telangana government has announced a Raksha Bandhan gift for the Village Organisation Assistants (VOA), according to an official release on Thursday.
The state Government issued an order enhancing the honorarium given to the VOAs to Rs 8,000. The BRS government’s decision would benefit 17,608 VOAs across the state. It will also add a significant burden to the State exchequer.
Till now, the VOAs were withdrawing an honorarium of Rs 3,000 per month. VOAs, who are working under Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP), had represented to the authorities about poor wages. The chief minister decided to enhance their honorarium on humanitarian grounds, the release added.
The hike in the honorarium will come into force from September. The chief minister has also approved the request of VOAs for release of Rs 2 crore to ensure compliance with the uniform dress policy.
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