Karimnagar Mayor Asks Contractors Not To Compromise on Quality of Roads

 - Sakshi Post

Contractors warned by Karimnagar Mayor Y Sunil Rao to maintain quality of roads, all steps have to been taken to lay roads strictly following the quality norms.

Karimnagar:  In the making of a smart city, Karimnagar Mayor Y Sunil Rao said there should be no compromise on the quality of smart city roads.

The mayor along with the commissioner Valluri Kranthi and RV consultancy representatives examined the quality of laid roads. The phase –I roads are examined by the team from Prathima multiplex to Ambedkar stadium until housing board colony.

He inspected the Collectorate road also, which is made of cement flooring. Also, a small portion of the material was checked from the road by digging it near to the housing board colony. He mentioned that the collectorate cement road was damaged due to the movement of heavy machinery on it.

It is said that good chemical cement which is tested in the laboratory for proper strength is used in the making of roads so people need not worry. Well where ever there are cement roads placed the contractor himself need to bear the charges and no extra fund will be given from the smart city funds.

The mayor expressed his concern towards the second phase of making roads that the same problems would not repeat and proper materials are used. Ultimately if the roads are of good quality there would be fewer road accidents. The roads would not be washed away by rains.

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