Hyderabad Gandhi Hospital Doctors Test Covid Positive

Covid cases and Omicron cases in the state are increasing each day. As a result, 60 doctors in General Hospital and seven doctors in Gandhi Hostipal are reported to have tested positive for Covid-19 in the past few days.
Earlier, around 27-35 house surgeons, nine postgraduate, 20 undergraduate, and two assistant doctors, tested positive for COVID-19. Doctors who tested positive are in self-isolation at home for a week. Gandhi Hospital treated COVID-19 patients in the previous two waves and has begun preparing for an increase in the expected number of cases, particularly Omicron cases.
According to the official numbers, cases of children with cold, cough, and fever have been on the rise.
As per the official health bulletin, Telangana recorded a surge in daily COVID-19 cases for the second day in a row on Tuesday, following a marginal dip on Saturday, with 1920 new cases being reported on Monday, bringing the total is 6,97,775, while the death toll rose to 4045, with two fatalities.