After Karnataka’s Action, TGPWU Seeks Regulation of Cab Aggregators in Telangana
Hyderabad: In view of Karnataka state government putting brakes on app-based cab and bike aggregators including Ola, Uber and Rapido, the Telangana 4-wheeler drivers association has urged the government to implement Motor Vehicle Aggregator Guidelines 2020 in the state.
In a statement, the Telangana Gig and Platforms Workers Union (TGPWU) has said that the Motor Vehicle Aggregator guidelines issued by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways will act as a guiding framework for the State governments.
According to the key guidelines, an aggregator is required to have its company registered under Companies Act or a LLP or a Co-operative Society in India and should comply with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and its Intermediary guidelines, TGPWU Founder State President Shaik Salauddin said in a release here.
Aggregators cannot charge more in the name of surge pricing. They are allowed to charge a fare 50 percent lower than the base fare and a maximum surge pricing of 1.5 times the base fare, he said.
Salauddin also found fault with the aggregators like Rapido, Dunzo, Ola and Uber for encouraging private two wheel riders to transport passengers via their app bookings. He termed this practice of aggregators as an illegal business practice and said it poses a safety threat for the passengers and the city traffic.
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