Netflix Apple TV Support Error: Features Rolled Back

Netflix has confirmed that its brief appearance as a participating service in the Apple TV app was an error. This morning, users saw temporary support for features like the watchlist and continue watching on Apple TV, but Netflix has since rolled this back.
A Netflix spokesperson explained that the inclusion in Apple TV was unintended and has been corrected. Fans were excited about the possibility of Netflix joining Apple’s content aggregation system, but it turns out it was all a mistake.
Netflix has always resisted being part of Apple’s efforts to gather content from various streaming services. The company has also declined similar proposals from Google. So, when Netflix showed up on Apple TV without any prior announcement, it came as a surprise.
For now, Netflix’s position remains the same. The streaming giant still wants users to browse and consume content exclusively through the Netflix app. While today’s glitch sparked hope for a change, it looks like Netflix isn't ready to shift its strategy just yet.
Maybe one day Netflix will change its approach, but for now, fans will need to keep using the Netflix app to access their content. Still, it’s clear that such an integration is possible — if Netflix ever decides to play nice.