Mi India Emerges Top Brand For Delivering Top-notch Quality Smartphones: RedQuanta

 - Sakshi Post

Mi India, India’s number one smartphone and smart TV brand for the second year in a row emerged as the top brand for delivering top-notch quality smartphones measured via having the lowest failure rates in the smartphone industry . The findings came from an expansive study conducted by RedQuanta, a leading customer intelligence firm across more than twenty-five cities, with over a thousand respondents.

The objective of the study was to evaluate the major smartphone brands in the market on parameters determining the perceived quality of a smartphone. These parameters included camera performance, battery life, durability and value for money wherein Mi India was ranked as No. 1 in two of these features i.e. Camera and Long Battery Life. In addition to this, the brand also came on top for its Affordability. When asked about what mattered most to them, users placed the greatest weightage on “good quality” leaving behind other factors such as price & brand popularity and Mi India topped this aspect. Further, Mi India also scored 86% on post purchase satisfaction and 83% in recommendation rate.

Commenting on the announcement, Muralikrishnan B, Chief Operating Officer, Mi India says, “At Mi India, we are committed to continuous innovation with an unwavering focus on quality and customer experience. Towards this, we are deeply invested in ensuring that our Smartphones are designed for India and are able to weather the tough environmental and usage conditions that phones are subject to in the real world. While we are excited about topping the Quality charts again, our aim is to provide the best quality at an honest price and well rounded experience to our consumers. Recognition like this gives us more confidence about our decisions and pushes us to ensure that the user receives only the best.”


●      Parameters included High Quality, Camera performance, Affordability & Long battery life

●      Conducted Online survey & shared via email and SMS

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