Instagram Hacked Memes Flood Social Media

Instagram users have been facing server issues in many parts of the world since Thursday night. Instagram users are unable to log in, load their feeds, or send messages. On Twitter, #instagramdown and #instagramhacked are trending. Netizens are cretaing memes about Instagram's downtime and making fun of Instagram employers.
Earlier, Instagram officials confirmed the issue and took to Twitter and apologised for the inconvenience. "We’re aware that some people are having trouble accessing Instagram. We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience, and hang tight! #instagramdown. After an hour, Instagram Comms tweeted saying the issue has been resolved. "And we’re back! We resolved the issue that caused today’s outage, and apologize for any inconvenience," read the tweet.
Don't panic guys,
Mark Zuckerberg is fixing Instagram #instagramdown #instagramhacked— Abhishek Nimbrain (@A6h1sh3kk) September 22, 2022
People coming to Twitter to check whether Instagram is down again! #Instagramdown #instagramhacked
— khawaja Zafar Madni (@zafar_madni_) September 22, 2022
People rushing to twitter right now to see #instagramdown and share memes be like #instagramhacked
— Satyam Raj (@Satyam_Raj1) September 22, 2022
Mark Zuckerberg Right Now 😂 #instagramhacked #instagram #meta
— PENALTY GAMING FF (@PROGAME71075814) September 22, 2022
Me right now#instagramhacked
— Gachie Gathu (@GathuGachie) September 22, 2022
Tweeter headquarters at the moment when Instagram is down 😂😂#instagramdown #instadown #instagramhacked
— Ravi Kamat. (@Ravi_kamat_) September 22, 2022