India And Other Countries Where Mobile Data is Cheap

India And Other Countries Where Mobile Data is Cheap - Sakshi Post

The UK-based organisation named has released a list of countries which are offering mobile data for less amount. 
As per the report, India stood at No.5 out of 233 countries in providing mobile data at the least cost. The report had taken the cost of 1GB of data into consideration to calculate this information. 

According to the report, Israel offers the cheapest mobile data with 1GB data just for $0.04, which is roughly around Rs 3.20. 

Second, on the list is Italy which offers one of the cheapest mobile data in the world with 1GB of data being priced at just $0.12 which is roughly around Rs 9.59.

San Marino stood at third place in the list with the price of 1GB mobile data at $0.14, which is around Rs 11.19. Next on the list are Fiji which offers 1GB of mobile data at $0.15 which is roughly around Rs 11.99 and India stood in N0.5 which is providing data at $0.17 in Indian currency which is Rs 13.59.
The report also prepared a list of countries which are providing mobile data at a high cost. Saint Helena tops the list with a price of 1GB of mobile data at $41.06 (roughly around Rs 3,323.92).

The list also consists of Falkland Islands which is providing 1GB of mobile data at $38.45 (Rs 3,072.11), São Tomé at $29.49 (Rs 2,356.21), and Príncipe Tokelau is giving 1GB of data for the price of $17.88 (Rs 1,428.59) and Yemen with the price of 1GB of mobile data around $16.58 (Rs 1,324.72).

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