IPL Media Rights E-Auction Date, Schedule, Base Price and Live Streaming Time In India
The Indian Premier League's television and digital streaming rights e-auction time has arrived. The country's largest companies will compete in an e-auction for the right to broadcast the world's richest cricket league on their platform.
The current media rights cycle is expected to end with some significant figures.The current bidders will be awarded the rights to broadcast the league for a five-year period beginning with the 16th edition of the tournament in 2023 and ending in 2027.
When will the e-auction take place:
The IPL media rights e-auction will take place on June 12 ( Sunday). Based on reports, the bidding process will start at 11:00 AM.
In which categories the bidding will take place:
The procedure has been divided into four packages (A, B, C, and D).
Package A- India's television rights
Package B- India's digital rights
Package C-In every season, 18 games have non-exclusive digital rights in India.
Package D-Overseas television and digital rights
Package C is a collection of non-exclusive matches that includes some special matches. This includes the championship game, playoff matches, the tournament opener, and a few evening weekend games.
Base Price:
Each package has a distinct base price. The starting price for all four packages in the current auction is -
Package A is worth Rs. 49 crore per match.
Package B is worth Rs. 33 crore per match.
Package C is worth Rs 11 crore per match.
Package D is worth Rs. 3 crore per match.
Concerning the process itself, bids for packages A and B will be placed concurrently. Following that, bids for packages C and D will be accepted concurrently.
Package C is a collection of non-exclusive matches that includes some special matches. This includes the championship game, playoff matches, the tournament opener, and a few evening weekend games.
Which companies entered the e-auction:
Walt Disney India ( Star)
Sony- Zee
Viacom18's Sports Channel
Amazon Prime Video
Alphabet Inc (Google)
Dream Sports ( Dream 11/ Fan code)
Times Internet
Who Won Last Year:
Star won the IPL media rights for five years, from 2018 to 2022. They paid Rs. 16347 crores for the rights.