Dr Ramesh Babu's Death In USA: Suicide or Accident?

The tragic news of the death of Dr Ramesh Babu Peramsetty, a Telugu-origin medical practitioner in the USA, has deeply affected the Telugu community both in America and India. As the news spread, many sought to understand the circumstances surrounding his passing and the truth behind the reports.
Initial reports suggested that Dr Ramesh Babu had been shot dead in Tuscaloosa, USA, on Friday. However, after verifying with American local news sources, it has been confirmed that there is no evidence of any criminal shooting involving Dr Ramesh Babu.
Further inquiries have revealed varying accounts of what may have occurred. One source suggests that a bullet accidentally discharged into his head while he was cleaning his gun at home. Another source speculates that he may have taken his own life due to personal struggles. Importantly, no source has confirmed that his death was caused by another person.
The loss of Dr. Ramesh Babu is a significant blow to the medical community, and his absence will be felt by all who knew him. During this difficult time, we extend our deepest condolences to his family and hope they find the strength to endure their grief.