November 19 holiday for schools or not?

 - Sakshi Post

November 19 is not a national holiday in the country. However, this day has been declared a holiday in certain parts of the country due to different regional and cultural festivals.

November 19 is declared a regional holiday in some states for the following reasons:

Haryana: The district administration in Nuh declared holidays up to Class 5 in schools from November 18 to 22 due to severe air pollution.
Delhi: Many private schools in Delhi will declare a holiday due to air pollution.

Holidays for Institutes

Some institutes like schools and colleges declare a holiday on November 19 following reasons:

Exam Holidays: Some institutions may declare holidays due to exams or appraisal procedures.
Festival Holidays: Institutes may observe holidays for festival celebrations though November 19 is not a great festival day in the nation.

Although November 19 is not a national holiday in India, some states and regions will celebrate holidays based on cultural, religious, or administrative requirements. For more accurate information, always check with the local authorities, institution, or your employer.

Note: Holiday information may change, and general information provided in this article is based on the available data. For the latest update, please cross-check with the official governmental or institutional site.

Also read: Holidays in Haryana Till November 22 due to Air Pollution

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