Karnataka Residents Can Search Bed Availability at Private Hospitals Here

 - Sakshi Post

 the BBMP limits, the Central Bed Management System has 11,000 beds in both government and private hospitals, and about 5,013 beds have been allocated across the system in the last five days.

Information on beds under the Government quota is available; no information on beds under the private quota is available. Covid19 patients who want to be treated under a private quota are unable to obtain the necessary details

In this regard, the Private Hospitals & Nursing Homes Association (PHANA) has launched the 'Search My Bed' Portal, which provides information on the availability of beds in private hospitals for Covid19 infected.

Private hospitals that have registered with KPME are required to upload real-time information on available general/HDU/ICU/ICU-Ventilator beds, which should be displayed at the hospital support desks for the public's gain. On May 2, the BBMP's Chief Commissioner, Gaurav Gupta released an order in this regard.

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