7th Pay Commission: Pension Slip On WhatsApp, Details Inside

The latest news from the 7th Pay Commission is that, in addition to SMS and email, banks have been encouraged to employ social media apps like WhatsApp to ensure 'Ease of Living' for pensioners.
New Delhi: Have you ever wondered what it's like to get a phone notification that says "pension credited"? In a recent meeting with the Centralized Pension Processing Centres (CPPCs) of Pension Distributing Banks, the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions instructed all banks involved in disbursing pensions to send pension slips to recipients registered mobile numbers through SMS and email.
The Centre encouraged banks to see this as a welfare activity because the information is crucial for Income Tax, Dearness Relief, and DR arrears, among other things. In order to assure the 'Ease of Living' for pensioners, banks have been urged to employ social media apps such as WhatsApp in addition to SMS and email.
"Accordingly, the undersigned is directed to request all Pension Distributing Banks to issue pension slips to pensioners after the credit of pension on their registered mobile numbers through SMS and email (wherever available) also. Banks may also use social media apps, WhatsApp, etc. in addition to SMS and email. The pension slip should provide complete details of the monthly pension paid along with the break-up of the amount credited and tax deduction etc. if any," according to a statement from the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions dated June 22.
The communiqué went on to say. "The CPPCs of Pension Distributing Banks are requested to ensure compliance of the above instructions for improving the 'Ease of Living' for pensioners."
The Seventh Pay Commission is used to distribute salaries and benefits to central government employees.
According to the government, the banks were enthusiastic about the concept and expressed a willingness to provide the information to pensioners.
The slip will contain the details of the monthly pension paid, including a breakdown of the amount credited and any tax deductions. The digital pension slips will be sent to the retirees' registered mobile phones, according to a government order.
The decision was made at a meeting of the pension disbursing banks' Central Pension Processing Centres (CPPCs) on June 15 to assure the 'ease of living' of pensioners.