UK Man Orders Apples From Super Market, Gets A Surprise Along With It

Imagine, you go out to buy groceries and they gift you a brand new iPhone! Well, this is what happened with Nick James in the UK. He went out to buy some groceries at the local Tesco, a British multinational groceries chain, in England's Twickenham when the staff told him there is a surprise for him inside. Having ordered a bag of apples, Nick James was surprised after he received not only the fruit but also an Apple iPhone SE.
James had ordered a bag of apples from his local Tesco. However, when he collected the order, he found that it contained not only the apples but also a brand new Apple iPhone SE. At first, James thought it must be a prank or an Easter egg. Soon, however, he learned that it was indeed not a joke and that he actually got an iPhone for free.
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According to reports, the delivery of the iPhone was not a mistake or prank. In fact, it is part of a promotional campaign of Tesco's 'Super Substitutes' promotion, which will run till April 18th 2021. The supermarket chain is giving away, Apple iPhones, AirPods & Samsung gadgets to luck customers.
Well, it seems the promotional scheme worked. “I was half expecting the surprise to be an Easter egg or something – I was a little bit shocked, to say the least,” James told The Mirror, adding that this made his son’s day. He shared the news on Twitter, thanking Tesco for the "little surprise".
A big thanks this week to @Tesco & @tescomobile. On Wednesday evening we went to pick up our click and collect order and had a little surprise in there - an Apple iPhone SE. Apparently we ordered apples and randomly got an apple iphone! Made my sons week! 😁 #tesco #substitute
— Nick James (@TreedomTW1) April 10, 2021