San Francisco Girl Bartered Her Way From Hair Pin To A Small House
In 6 months, this San Francisco based girl was able to barter her way from a single hair pin to a small house. Demi Skipper, a tiktoker got this idea during quarantine. Although a man had already done something like this and traded his way from a red paper clip to a house, this was something that took place over 15 years ago.
Demi Skipper wanted to do something similar and try her luck. During lockdown, people didn’t have much to do. While thinking of ways to pass the time, Skipper decided to start her trading journey.
Demi announced on her Tiktok and Instagram page that she will begin her trade with a bobby pin. “Hi I’m trading a bobby pin until I get a house,” she wrote. Demi shared her journey and gave regular updates regarding it on her Instagram and Tiktok handle by the username, “TradeMeProject.”
To make her journey challenging and exciting, Demi decided not to involve friends and family in the trade. She decided not to trade with anyone she knew as it will be way too easy. One more rule that she had decided on, was never to accept money. Accepting money in exchange was not fair. It has to be an old-fashioned barter system, trading one item for another.
Demi’s trade took place locally in San Francisco and also outside the city through shipping. Demi provided details of all the trades and their price on her page. She took to Facebbok in order to announce her ‘Trading’ deal. "I will accept anything,” she wrote on Facebook.
Her first trade was with a bobby pin. She exchanged the $.01 pin with a $10 worth pair of earrings, successfully completing her first trade with a woman from Atlanta, Georgia.
Skipper again had a significant profit as for her second trade; she gave away the $10 worth earrings for a $24 worth set of Margarita glasses. From glasses she went to a vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum cleaner ($60) to old snowboard ($95) to Apple TV ($180), Bose headphones ($220), Xbox ($320), old MacBook ($400), camera set ($550), Nike collector's sneakers ($750) to another pair of sneakers ($850) and again third pair of sneaker ($900).
After trading sneakers, thrice, Demi decided to get out of the shoe trade and this time went for an iphone. She traded her $900 worth sneaker pair for an iPhone 11 pro max worth $1,099. From the iphone it went to a 2008 Dodge minivan worth $2,200.
The minivan trade later traded for a skateboard. This was the first time that Demi made a trade for a product cheaper than hers. The $2,200 minivan was traded for an electric skateboard worth $1,200.
This went on for many weeks with another MacBook to an expensive car to a necklace to a Peloton bike, then a Mustang to a Jeep Patriot to finally a small cabin.
Jeep Patriot worth $6,000 was traded and in exchange Demi got a tiny cabin worth $9,500. This is good for now. But Demi Skipper confirmed that she will continue the trades and will not stop until she gets her dream house.
From $.01 worth bobby pin to a tiny cabin worth $9,500, this San Francisco girl did not stop and traded relentlessly. The tiny cabin is a success for now, but Demi Skipper will continue her journey.