Oncoplastic Breast Preservation Surgery Performed On  50-yr-old Cancer Patient At Medharbour Hospital

Oncoplastic Breast Preservation Surgery (OBPS) - Sakshi Post

New Delhi: Medharbour hospital has announced that it has successfully carried out a rarely-performed Oncoplastic Breast Prevention Surgery using ICG dye & IR(Infra-Red) imaging, by Dr Mandeep Singh Malhotra and his team for a 50-year Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) patient following Integrative approach Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

The patient presented with Stage III cancer around 5 months back. There was tumor in the breast that had spread to lymph nodes in arm pit (Axilla). It was Triple Negative variant of Breast Cancer (TNBC), one of the most aggressive forms, that spreads rapidly to lungs, liver and brain.

Elaborating on the treatment process, Mr. Nishant Gupta, Founder& Director, Medharbour hospital added, “The treatment was started with chemotherapy. A clip was placed before the commencement to mark the tumor. High dose Vitamin C (HDIVC) infusion was given along with chemotherapy and in between chemo cycles natural (ayurvedic) supplements were given. HDIVC enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy and also decreases its side effects. Natural supplements weaken the cancer cells, and prevent development of chemoresistance. After 6 cycles of this integrative approach, no tumor or lymph nodes were palpable and scans were also normal.”

She was then taken up for surgery, Medharbour Hospital elaborates about the surgery, “Oncoplastic Breast Preservation Surgery (OBPS) with Sentinel Lymph node evaluation using ICG dye and Infra-Red (IR) imaging.” As everything appeared normal, ICG dye was injected at the clip marked tumor site, and with the help of Infra-Red (IR) Camera the suspicious area was excised. Also, the ICG dye helped in identifying the first draining axillary lymph nodes i.e., Sentinel Lymph nodes, which were also excised. Both the specimens were sent for Frozen biopsy and fortunately no tumor was seen, only post chemotherapy and inflammatory changes were seen, achieving complete cure.

According to Dr Mandeep, the prognosis of patients with TNBC depend on the response to chemotherapy. By integrating chemotherapy by HDIVC and natural supplements the chances of response are increased markedly. The use of ICG & IR imaging helps in identifying suspicious areas which are not palpable, thus allowing preservation of breast with minimal tissue loss scarring.

The innovative, affordable and highly effective surgery performed at Medharbour Hospital, Gurugram after receiving chemotherapy with integrative approach at, 'Art of Healing Cancer' center.  

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