How Indian Skin Can Stay Young Forever?

 - Sakshi Post

Did you know Indian skin is a blessed one. But not realizing the good aspects of our skin, ignorance, carelessness damages this naturally healthy, beautiful skin giving problems like Acne, Hyper-pigmentation, under-eyes discoloration, mouth pigmentation, Acanthosis over neck, elbows and armpits and many other.

Apart from being careless we are always after fair skin. Because of this inclination one never realizes the good aspects of Indian skin and start damaging the skin health by bleach, chemical peel, hydroquinone creams, scrubs.

Good aspects of our skin - Thick skin with optimal collagen elastin Fibers till late age is the biggest treasure every Indian has. So our skin neither shows wrinkles nor does it sag.

So to avoid damaging the skin beauty by our own hands every Indian needs to know that we have thick skin, variety of wheatish tone with optimal Melanin.

So to explain this simply is we are prone to tan but our skin rarely burns. Our skin shows few ageing signs at late age. So if we keep our skin moisturized in all seasons we will never see fine lines ever. We tan faster. If we do not remove tan with right procedure and at right time the tan turns to epidermal hyper-pigmentation and later on Dermal hyper-pigmentation. Our under-eyes areas have less number of fat cells like everyone in the world. But our upper lip and chin also have less number of fat cells. These areas are thin and with regular unprotected exposure to sun they get discolored. So one of the major concern of every Indian is Periorial and Periorbital melanosis apart from Hyper-pigmentation at an early age.

Clients ask me if Ayurveda recommends sunscreen?

My reply to them is - " Sun-screen is the first screen of your body for sun". So our skin is the first screen for Sun. In ancient times when there were no sunscreens how people protected their skin while stepping out in 40 degree heat. They covered their heads and faces with thick cotton cloth, wore full sleeves. Application of Sandalwood paste over forehead, complete face, arms and body was a common practice before stepping out in sun. Even after the sandal application they made it sure to cover their skin completely with thick cloth. So if you leave your first screen, i.e. skin, for sun unprotected and uncovered be ready to face ageing signs and discoloration at an early age. By this you may understand now that only the application of Physical-Mineral sunscreen cannot protect you against hazardous UVA and UVB rays. You need to give one more layer above it to prevent tan and hyper-pigmentation.

Cleansing skin habits in a school going is not only to keep skin beautiful but also to maintain the body immunity. Skin is the largest barrier for Pathogens to enter blood stream. Puberty acne and later on all types of acne are the outcome of lack of good skin care routine from an early age. In India there are variety of environmental factors. Humidity, winter dry air, winter humidity, dry summer heat, UV exposure, high pollution level are really good at damaging your skin. In-spite of knowing and experiencing them people do not have a proper skin care routine which involves perfect protection and healing steps.

Ayurveda originated in India 3000 years back. Benefitting your skin with correct Ayurvedic preventive measures seems impossible because people practice it in an incorrect way. Everyone does not need remedies. Without giving it a second thought everyone is running behind baseless remedies calling them Ayurvedic ones. So in India, in the name of Ayurveda the skin is being damaged at home. Just below the lamp lies the darkness is in practice.

 Ayurveda says to Indian skin ->

 Day Time                                                            

Clean skin with water and oil.                                    



Evening Time




To keep your Bhrajak and Ranjak Pitta balanced. Bhrajak Pitta keeps the skin texture healthy. Texture is health of the skin which involves optimal collagen, elastin, moisture level and appropriate lymph circulation to carry out speedy detoxification.

 If Bhrajak gets imbalanced you see acne bloated face and crusty skin. You loose the younger looking face.

 RanjakPitta gives tone to the skin. If it gets imbalanced - hyper-pigmentation, dull tone, uneven tone occur.

 Indians practice Ayurveda the perfect way to stay young forever.

Written By: Mrs. Medha Singh, CEO, JUVENA Herbals

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