Here's How You Can Differentiate Between COVID-19, Swine Flu, And Common Cold Symptoms

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By Dr. Anunya Reddy
COVID-19, Swine Flu, And Common Cold Symptoms: COVID-19 cases have already started to surge with the so-called 4th wave, and a new variant BF7, a sub-variant of the Omicron virus which is considered to have a high infectious rate has put everyone on the tenterhooks.
With the constant new covid strains emerging, the symptoms are also changing. Loss of smell, taste, high fever breathlessness were classical symptoms of COVID, but not anymore. Complaints seen in swine flu, common cold, and COVID-19 are overlapping..., so how do we differentiate between these three respiratory infections with similar symptoms and seek medical attention. Read on below as we discuss in detail the three medical conditions.
1. What is Common Cold, Swine Flu & COVID-19?
A common cold is a mild infection of your upper respiratory tract which is usually harmless.
There are about 200 viruses causing common colds.
Swine flu is also known as the H1n1 virus which is a strain of the influenza virus.
This virus initially originated in pigs but it spread primarily from person to person. swine flu caused pandemics in 2009.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by (SARS- COV2) SEVERE ACUTE RESPiRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS. Coronavirus first made headlines in 2019 & hence the name coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-2019).
2. Who is at risk?
The common cold usually affects infants ( 2 months to 1 year ) & young children.
Adults who have weakened immune systems, and habitual smoking are more prone.
Swine flu can occur at any age, but serious complications are seen in children younger than 5 yrs or adults above 65 yrs & people with weakened immune systems & pregnant women.
In COVID-19 people in older age are at higher risk of developing serious infections. Risk is also increased in people with serious health problems such as diabetes, lung or heart conditions, obesity, and weakened immune system.
3. Mode of transmission
all the above 3 infections are transmitted by droplets.
These infections are most commonly spread from one carrier or infected person to another when he/she sneezes or coughs droplets are expelled and the opposite person can breathe in or touch the surfaces infected with these droplets, such as door handles & tables.
When expressed these droplets can travel up to 6 feet and coronavirus is said to travel up to 27 feet.
4. Symptoms
Symptoms may vary from person to person as it's the reaction of the immune system that determines the severity of infection.
A person suffering from a common cold may experience a runny nose, nose block, sore throat, cough, mild body pain, sneezing, fatigue, and post-nasal drip. In worst cases, it can lead to ear infection and a change of voice. These symptoms typically last for 1 week and are usually worst at 2-4 days.
Swine flu presents with a blocked nose, cough, headache, body pains, fever, chills, and sweats, and some people may have vomiting & diarrhea, though it's common in children.
This can last for 5 days and sometimes can complicate into a viral pneumonia( infection of the lungs).
COVID-19 symptoms are constantly changing with new variants emerging and vaccination.
The symptoms usually include cough, cold, fatigue, typical loss of taste and smell, fever, shortness of breath, and now it's seen with severe myalgia( muscle pain), and sore throat.
Though the symptoms are milder this time we are concerned about the long-term effects on health. We must remember that in case of severe infection, it can lead to viral pneumonia leading to ARDS( ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME) leading to multiorgan failure leading to death.
In COVID-19 people can get better in between & the condition could worsen also as the course of infection is usually unpredictable.
5. Diagnosis
Only symptoms are not enough to tell the difference, the most accurate way to know is through testing.
Common cold doesn't require any medical testing most of the time.
In the case of swine flu rapid antigen test can be done which has approximately 70% sensitivity but this only helps to rule out the disease rather than to rule in.
A standard flu test (PCR) may take about 3 days - 5 days but gives you a more accurate result.
Not every person who has the flu needs to be tested. Most of the time symptoms are enough unless your doctor thinks it's necessary to get tested.
In case of covid 19 RT PCR is standard to diagnose coronavirus.
A rapid antigen test is another option that gives you results within 15-30 mins. it detects if you have an active virus. RAT can't detect asymptomatic cases & false negative chances are more.
Antibody testing helps you to know if there have been any recent or previous corona infections.
6. Precautions to be taken
Prevention is always better than cure.
No matter what the disease is, the precautions remain the same gold standard.
1. Physical distance:
these viral infections are caused by coming in contact with an infected person or a carrier, so it is very important to maintain physical distance from people of at least 6 feet to avoid coming in contact with infected droplets.
2. Wear a mask:
wearing a mask not only protects you from droplet infection but also protects you from other infections like flu & the common cold. wear a mask if you have an infection to avoid spreading it. Discard the mask properly after wearing it once.
3. Avoid going into crowded places:
To avoid these viral infections, avoid crowded places, and stay indoors unless it's necessary.
Being vaccinated against COVID or swine flu doesn't mean you are fully immune, the severity of infection may be low but the precautions are mandatory.
4. Use sanitizer or wash your hands well if you have come in contact with an external surface infected with droplets, don't touch your face unless you have washed your hands thoroughly.
7. Home remedies
Whatever the virus you are infected with, the home remedies remain the same.
Salt water gargling with lukewarm water, steam inhalation & diet plays a major role in recovery.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and get your daily dose of vitamins.
Diet doesn't lead to instant immunity, it takes days to months hence keep a balanced diet always to make your interior stronger.
Hydration is the key to recovery but don't take anything too hot or too cold, always prefer room-temperature food.
8. Treatment:
The common cold is usually fought by the body naturally but if you experience a change of voice, difficulty in breathing or swallowing, severe headache, or ear pain meet your doctor immediately.
Most cases of swine flu don't need treatment, maintaining good hydration & eating healthy is enough.
But people who are at high risk of developing complications( people with existing diseases, children, and old age) must seek early medical help.
Mild COVID infections can be monitored at home. In case of people who have existing health diseases, fall short of breath, have severe body pains, or have oxygen saturation levels below 90% must seek immediate medical attention.
Finally, stay away from other people to avoid spreading the infection.
In any case of illness, stay away from other people so that you don't transmit the virus and get properly diagnosed and treated by an appropriate doctor. Remember prevention is better than cure.
Dr. Anunya Reddy is an ENT Surgeon, Allergy Specialist and Facial Cosmetic Surgeon
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