Funny GIFs: Things You Will Relate To In 2020
People faced different situations in the year 2020 and everyone is following a set of rules which they had never followed. This year, 2020 can be called as dangerous year and in other terms, it is also termed as special because it has made people think how to get adjusted to some of the abnormal situations. We are dealing with COVID-19 pandemic from more than 10 months. Using sanitizers, face masks, frequent handwashing are some of the measures that everyone is following to stay healthy.
Now, my dear readers on a lighter note, we have come up with some pointers where you might have been faced during the time of pandemic.
When some one comes to your house to give an invitation for a wedding.
When someone suddenly coughs or sneezes...
When your relative insists you to attend the marriage...
When someone says it's just flu and climate change....
When some one asks, 'Are you working from home?'
When some one asks to use sanitizer and mask all the time...
Namaste is best during COVID times...
Have you ever experienced the aforesaid situations? Do share your comments with us.