UAE Visit Visas: Tourists Warned Not To Overstay

UAE Visit Visas: Tourists Warned Not To Overstay - Sakshi Post

United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has warned tourists in the country who are on visit visas not to overstay in the country. The UAE government has implemented strict rules to control visa violations and measures were taken to prevent those who visited UAE on visit visas from overstaying after the expiry date.

To avoid blacklisting tourists and being charged of absconding, they must leave the country before the visa expires, they stated. Usually, UAE issues 30 and 60-day visit visas and those who came to UAE on these visas must leave the country before their expiry date.

Those who violate the rules will be banned from entering the Emirates and other Gulf countries. The UAE government is taking these steps to reduce the number of people who come on visit visas and stay back illegally.

The representatives of the Gulf Migrant Labor Unions are informing the unemployed people coming in search of jobs that they should not believe the words of the agents that they will be given a work visa after reaching the country on a visit visa. 

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