Taliban's New Rule For Afghan Women: No Burqa, Only Hijab

 - Sakshi Post

With Taliban forces taking over Afghanistan, there is news coming from the country of the horror inflicted upon women. The Taliban have taken complete control of Afghanistan ever since American troops pulled out of the country in July. President Ashraf Ghani has fled the country leading to a  total collapse of the government.

There is no one to counter or negotiate with the Taliban now. Afghanistan is completely under their rule and mercy now. Pictures from the country are being shared on social media. People trying to make everyone aware of the situation in Afghanistan and what the women there are facing.

The last time that Afghanistan was under Taliban rule was in 1996-2001. During that time, the rules were really strict and girls were not allowed to go to school. Women did not have the right to education. Moreover, it was compulsory to wear a full burqa in public. There were some really strict laws in place at that time.

Also Read: Taliban First Press Conference in Kabul Highlights

But this time it is different, said the spokesman of the Taliban’s political office in Doha, Suhail Shaheen. He said it will not just be the Burqa. There are different types of Hijabs. Women can wear them. It was not clear as to what types of Hijab or Burqa would be deemed acceptable under the Taliban rule, but according to the spokesperson, it will not be as strict.

He also raised the matter of women's education. Many countries and activists have raised their voices against the practice of barring girls from going to school. It was said that women will not have the right to education and that they cannot even get a job. They will have to stay at home. But according to what Shaheen said, the Taliban will not stop girls from going to schools.

There are many educational institutes, schools, and colleges that come under the areas that are now captured by the Taliban. Girls can go study freely, we have not stopped them. All from primary to college education is allowed for them.

Judging by what people of the country are saying and what the Taliban is claiming in their news conferences, it is hard to believe anything now. Many people on social media have asked not to go by their words as Afghanistan is still in chaos as of now.

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