Rare Phenomenon: Here Are Stunning Photos Of Snow-Covered Sahara Desert

 - Sakshi Post

Sahara desert is one of the world's largest hot desert and it has too hot weather conditions. But my dear readers, to everyone's surprise, Sahara Desert has experienced a snow fall and it is the fourth time in the past 42 years. A photographer, Karim Bouchetata has captured stunning pictures of blankets of snow covering Ain Sefra a desert town in Algeria. The photos have been captured on January 13th and temperatured recorded at that time was -3 degrees Celsius but the photos are going viral now. Here are the photos, just give a look at them.

Here are few more, just give a look at the photos.

It is said that the locals and foreigners flocked to the desert to look at the rare sight. Ain Sefra, known as The Gateway to the Desert, is around 1,000 metres above sea level and is surrounded by the Atlas Mountains. People of Saudi Arabia expressed their happiness by looking at the snow. However, Snow and ice are not completely unknown but it's an ususual phenomenon in the desert area. 

In 1979, The first incident of snowfall has been recorded in Ain Sefra, Sahara desert and later the snowfall was recorded in 2016 and 2018. 

Roman Vilfand, head of Russia’s Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring said that, "Such situations, including snowfalls in Sahara, a long cold spell in North America, very warm weather in the European part of Russia and sustained rains which sparked flooding in Western European countries, have been occurring more frequently."

(Image courtesy: Karim Bouchetata Instagram)

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