Nike's New Ad 'You Can't Stop Us' Video Wins The Internet

 - Sakshi Post

Coronavirus has made the entire world turn upside down. When will the outbreak end and when is life going to get back to normal, is the only question in everyone's minds. During this time, Nike has come up with an advertisement that left many inspired. The video is all about some of the highlights from the sporting events and it has a stunning voiceover delivered by Megan Rapinoe.

The one minute 30-second ad touches everyone and it shows how people strive hard to achieve their goals and gives a thought that 'The Word Impossible itself says I'm Possible.' The video has the tagline “You can’t stop sport. Because you can’t stop us." Here is the video.

The Wieden + Kennedy Portland created this commercial and has brought 72 sporting actions together in 36 split-screen slides, combining actions in brilliant editing, and the output is incredible.

The video got more than 17 million views on YouTube and everyone is singing praises for the video. Here are some of the reactions from the Twitter.

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