Maternity Photoshoot Of Texas Woman With Thousands Of Live Bees On Her Belly Stuns Many Online

Bethany Karulak-Baker (Facebook) - Sakshi Post

Maternity photoshoots have become quite common these days. Most of the to-be-parents are trying something new to stand out from the rest of the world in a bid to select crazy and unique themes to welcome their babies. But, recently a maternity photoshoot of a woman from Texas with thousands of live bees on her belly has stunned all and sundry. The photos of the woman are going viral online.

According to the reports, Bethany Karulak-Baker is a professional beekeeper, and a couple of days, she shared the pictures of her maternity photoshoot on her Facebook account. In the images, one could see Bethany standing in an open field with thousands of bees on her belly. She gave a disclaimer in the caption, "This can be extremely dangerous. Please do not try this without experience and knowledge." Bethany also explained, " We just dumped the bees on me and they naturally began to beard. I wasn't stung once. This is roughly 10k bees."

In another post, Bethany shared about her previous miscarriage and her fight with depression. She wrote as, "This isn’t just a photo of a woman with honeybees on her belly. About a year ago, I suffered an extremely traumatic miscarriage. I was hospitalized, broken-hearted, filled with self-blame, and distraught. As we drove away from Yampa Valley Medical Center, after losing our baby, I recall tearing up with the realization that my baby was left alone inside those brick walls; ultimately to be shipped away and examined."

She further explained how she fell into depression - "I fell into a deep depression for months following the unexpected surgery. I struggled with my mental health, with how to interact with friends and family, and how to continue my responsibilities as a mother and wife. A few months later, we became pregnant again. Instead of embracing our new miracle, I remember feeling confused and apprehensive. As time went on, well into the second trimester, I knew I couldn’t tell anyone about the pregnancy because of the fear of a repeat miscarriage. How would I explain the loss all over again?"

She extended her note, "Then, our country had succumbed to the pandemic. The next months involved me vomiting, sleeping all day and night, unable to help around the house, and feeling inadequate and defeated. There were no visitors, no lunch dates, no meetings, and because I had chosen not to tell anyone about the pregnancy, no one checking in. This time was not only unfamiliar and bizarre but was also extraordinarily emotionally challenging. In spite of all this, our family grew stronger, and, in hindsight, I realize that the quarantine allowed me to grow my baby in a stress-free environment with phenomenal nurturing from my husband. There was a massive silver lining to this presumably dark cloud. We, as a family, grew to love and support one another more than I could have ever imagined. I am happy to say that I am 37 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby who will join us in a few short weeks. I am blessed beyond words that I have made it this far, through all the trials and tribulations, from the last 12 months.

I have emerged from these events like a butterfly from a cocoon; strong, beautiful, and ready to take on the world. So, you see, this isn’t just a photo of a woman with honeybees on her belly. This photo represents much, much more. My only hope is that one day my children will look at this photo and see the warrior inside of me. Thank you for giving me the world, Perry."

She praised the photographer of shoot, Brooke, and wrote as "I still can't believe you got right in there with the bees flying thick, brave as ever! Cheers to you!" By looking at the photoshoot of Bethany Karulak-Baker, many people raised their concerns over the safety of the baby and the netizens wanted to know why she did it.

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