Fact Check: Two Suns Appear On US-Canada Border!

 - Sakshi Post

Social Media is the platform where most of the folks share some of the interesting things. On the other hand, we never know whether the news shared by them is true or fake. But there are some sites which track the fake news and make the user aware of the 'actual truth'. Now, a post accompanied by many images showing two suns appearing in the sky at the same time on the borders of the US and Canada is doing rounds in social media.

Let us know what is the truth behind the appearance of two suns in the sky. ' Hunter's Moon' is a natural phenomenon that appears at sunrise. It happens when the sunlight encounters ice crystals in the atmosphere; the sun reflects on the crystal pool and gives an illusion of another sun. 'Hunter's Moon' is also known as 'Blood Moon' and it refers to the full moon that appears during the month of October. Sometimes, there is a chance of three suns appearing in the sky and this phenomenon is called the Anthelion Phenomenon.

According to folklore, 'Hunter's Moon' has got the name as it coincided with the time to go hunting in preparation for winter. When the moon is completely covered by the earth’s shadow then only some portions of light beams are able to reach it. The moon then turns a shade of red and it appears just like blood, hence the name 'Blood Moon'. Since it looks rather sinister with its red colour, it is also called 'Hunter’s Moon'. 'Hunter's Moon' depends on 'Harvest Moon' which is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox.

People have been sharing this post, thinking that it truly is a second sun and they are arriving at conclusions that another sun existed in our solar system but for some reason, hidden by the space agencies. In 2015, these kinds of photos emerged and now similar photos resurfaced online as solar eclipse took place on June 21st.

There is no truth in the appearance of two suns and this can also be another phenomenon called a 'Parhelion', an atmospheric optical phenomenon that consists of a bright spot on one or both sides of the sun.

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