Extreme Orgasm Kills Man After Intercourse With Sex Worker In Malawi

 - Sakshi Post

This is something that will be hard to believe, yet it is true. In a shocking incident, a man died while having sex. The incident took place in Africa’s Malawi, where a 35-year-old man being identified as Charles Majawa, died due to “excessive orgasm.”

After the man had intercourse with a sex worker, he lost consciousness and died soon after. The sex worker decided to report the incident to the police. The police and medical examiners arrived at the scene.

The body was taken to Migowi Health Centre where the post-mortem report confirmed the cause of the death to be orgasm. Due to excessive orgasm, the man’s blood vessels in the brain ruptured and led to his death.

Majawa’s body was sent to his hometown, Matepwe. A spokesperson from the Police Station confirmed that Majawa had made all the arrangements. He booked a hotel room and contacted a sex worker. But while having sexual intercourse, he collapsed.

The -mortem report and the statement from the police confirmed that it was no mistake of the worker. The woman was not held responsible for his death and was sent away without any charges.

A study was conducted to test the relation between frequency of orgasm and mortality. Findings from the Caerphilly Cohort Study suggested that the risk of mortality was less in people with high frequency of orgasm. Mortality risk was 50% lower in the group with high orgasmic frequency than in the group with low orgasmic frequency. It was proven that sexual activity had a better effect on men and their health.

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