Death Valley In US Sizzles At 130 Degrees, Earth's Highest Temperature Since At Least 1931

 - Sakshi Post

According to the meteorologists, Death Valley, California, considered as one of the hottest locations on the planet has hit a scorching 130 degrees Fahrenheit on Sunday. It may be the highest temperature accurately recorded in a century, as climate scientists and activists sound warnings about unsustainable global heating.

Death Valley is the lowest, driest, and hottest location in the US. It is known for its blistering temperatures. The average temperature of 108.1 degrees was recorded in July 2018 and it is the hottest month on the planet ever measured.

Randy Cerveny, chief of the World Meteorological Organization Extreme Weather said that, "What I've seen so far suggests that is a valid hypothesis." He further wrote in mail stating that, "I recommend that the World Meteorological Organization accept the observation in advance. Of course, we will examine it in detail in the coming weeks, together with the United States National Climate Extremes Committee, using one of our international assessment teams."

If the temperature on Sunday is tested then it will break the previous record high temperature of Death Valley in August, set at 129 degrees Fahrenheit in 2013.

According to the National Weather Service, the Death Valley temperature reached 130 degrees at 3:41 p.m on Sunday. If confirmed, the reading will break the previous record for Death Valley in August by three degrees, the National Weather Service tweeted.

Death Valley recorded 134 degrees, the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth and this record was set on July 10, 1913. However, this calculation is questionable; Christopher Burt, an expert on severe weather statistics, performed an extensive study of that record in 2016 and concluded that it was "essentially not possible from a meteorological perspective."

Some climatologists find that the 129 degree readings recorded in Death Valley on June 30 , 2013, and in Kuwait and Pakistan in 2016 and 2017, respectively, to be the highest ever measured reliably on earth. When only those readings are taken into account then the 130-degree temperature on Sunday will unseat them as the highest recorded.

The 130 degree reading recorded on Sunday would be the highest officially recorded temperature in the world since 1931, and the third-highest since 1873. The only two higher readings include the disputed 1913 Death Valley reading and a reading of 131 degrees from Kebili, Tunisia, set July 7, 1931, which is considered as the highest temperature in Africa.

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