British Woman's F*ck You Message On WhatsApp Lands Her Two Years In Dubai Jail

 - Sakshi Post

A Brititsh woman has been jailed for two years in Dubai and could have to pay a thousands of pounds in fine. The reason behind woman being detained in Dubai is that she has sent 'F*** You' message to her Ukrainian flatmate over Whatsapp chat during lockdown. Going into the details, 31 year old woman who has been working as a human resources manager has been living in Dubai since 2018.

Recently, she planned to move out of Dubai but she was not allowed to catch her flight. The airport authorities said that there was a police case registered against her. She has already shipped her belongings to the UK and was supposed to take a flight but she was arrested by the airport authorities.

According to the report, the woman has no money and is awaiting the bail and her visa is also going to expire in eight days. The woman came to know that her flatmate had lodged a police complaint against her over an argument. According to the reports, she has begged her flatmate to withdraw the case but she refused to do so.

According to an online portal, the woman stated that, "I’ve never been in trouble in my life, and I’m shocked that I’ve been criminalised over a private WhatsApp exchange with someone whom I lived with. ‘What’s worse, the messages were from months ago and only now, when I’ve shipped all of my belongings, booked a flight and when my visa is about to expire, do I even find out about this case. I tried to plead with her to drop the case, but she doesn’t seem to care about the impact this is having.’ According to Article 373 of the UAE Penal Code Saying ‘f**k’ is considered a crime in Dubai, as the word ‘disgraces the honour or the modesty’ of a person. Using swear words on social media or messaging platforms is also considered a breach of cyber law.

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