Balochistan: Suicide Attack on Bus Carrying Chinese

Retaliatory attacks on the Chinese continues in Pakistan. A massive suicide attack has taken place in the Pakistani coastal city of Gwadar. Two children were killed and three were injured in the blast. A car carrying the Chinese was reportedly attacked on East Bay Road around 7pm on Friday night.
The Pakistani government has condemned the suicide attack. A Balochistan government spokesman said the injured had been rushed to hospital after receiving information about the incident.
However, The Balochistan Post published another article. Nine Chinese people were killed in the blast, the report said. Nine people were killed when Chinese site engineers were attacked on their way to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) road construction site, the report said. There is no clarity yet on this report.
The Balochistan Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for the blasts. It has always been said that the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will not be completed. The Balochistan Liberation Army has stated that it is carrying out such attacks in retaliation for the massacre of minorities in China.
Meanwhile, a suicide bomber struck a bus carrying Chinese workers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province last month, killing nine Chinese and four Pakistani nationals. However, Pakistan claimed that the accident was caused by a gas leak in the bus. However, China claimed that it was a suicide attack. At this juncture the Pak government has also ordered a high-level investigation into the incident.