TSNPDCL Enables Self-Meter Reading For Consumers, Generate Current Bill With This App
TSSPDCL Power Bill: Consumers can take the current metre reading at home
TSSPDCL has come up with a novel idea; self-meter reading. You can now read your own electricity meter.
The power department staff need not visit your house to give you a bill every month
Hyderabad: TSSPDCL has come up with a unique concept. You can now read your own electricity meter. Staff members no longer need to visit your home to get a reading of your electric consumption meter to generate a bill every month.
Telangana residents can soon use their mobile phones to scan the metre reading.
TSSPDCL officials have made the bill-paying app available. As the corona crisis increases, so does the strain on the workers in the government department. Now, an app has been created to ease their burden. On Wednesday, self-meter reading services were made available.
The 'Consumer Self-Billing' feature was added to the TSSPDCL app, and it was made available on the Google Play Store. To do so, go through the steps below.
Steps To Follow:
- Download the application to your compatible smartphone using the link provided below.
- Play Store App Link - (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.tsnpdcl.tsnpdcl)
- Many that are already using the app can update as well.
- The app will show 'Consumer Self Billing' when you first open it.
- If you're using a new app, you'll need to fill in information including your unique service code, e-mail address, and phone number.
- By scanning the metre, you will see the one you want to bill.
- When the 'KW H' digits appear on the metre, click it and check.
- If all of the details are right, it will be displayed as 'Next'.
- The bill will appear online as soon as you click on it.
- A payment choice is also available. What if the employees came first and checked the metre? The app gives you an option for that too. The data is sent to the workers as 'Bill Generated' when you scan the code on the metre in front of you and pay the bill.
Let's Look At How To Add More Self-Billing Entries:
- To do so, you must first download the two apps mentioned below. By clicking on this page, you can download the TSNPDCL app - (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.tsnpdcl.tsnpdcl)
- By clicking on this link, you can do Self Meter Reading through an App - (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.coral.met)
- After that, both apps would need you to log in with your credentials.
- When you open the TSNPDCL app, go to the dashboard and select the third option, Self-Reading.
- Select the choice to submit self-reading.
- Now type in your eight-digit service number (USC).
- Confirm your service information by clicking the Confirm button.
- Now choose SCAN KWH from the drop-down menu.
- When you select this choice, you will be taken to the Bharat Self Meter Reading App.
- This software allows you to take your own readings.
- After the reading is taken, the meter's KWH reading is scanned.
- After confirming the reading, click Submit to finish the operation.
- The bill for the self-meter reading you sent this way will arrive in the form of an SMS on your phone.