No Fish Prasadam For Second Consecutive Year Due To Covid-19

 - Sakshi Post

Hyderabad: The annual fish prasadam distribution for asthma patients in Hyderabad will be cancelled this year as well owing to the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing lockdown.

The Bathini family of Hyderabad announced that the event, held on Mrigasira Karthi day, usually in the first or second week of June every year, will not be organised this time.

Due to the Covid-19, the prasadam was not distributed in the last year too.

Considering the current situations, the Bathini family have decided to cancel the fish distribution this Mrigasira Karthi falling on June 8. The fish prasadam will be prepared in small quantity for the family members, they further stated.

People suffering from asthma and other respiratory problems reach the exhibition grounds, Hyderabad every year from various states to received fish 'prasadam' from the family which claims to be distributing it free of cost for the past 175 years.

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