Rabindranath Tagore, Model For Godrej's No. 1 Soap?

Generally, all bath soap companies promote their products using movie stars as models. But did you know that the great poet Rabindranath Tagore, was also a partner for the promotion of a soap brand? Yes, that too almost a hundred years ago.
Not many know that along with Tagore, other national leaders also appeared in the advertisement of the first 'Made In India' soap 'Godrej No.1' which was manufactured by Godrej Company to promote home-grown production.
The statement made by Rabindranath Tagore said, "I know of no foreign soaps better than Godrej's and I will make a point of using Godrej's soap." After him, many leaders like Anni Besant and Rajagopalachari also appeared in the advertisement of this soap.
Godrej's first soap was called 'Number 2'. The company believed that the second soap is even better and named it No.1, which is purely made from tree oils without using animal fat. Freedom fighters appeared in these soap advertisements so that it would give more momentum to the Indian independence movement.