Maharashtra Girl Akanksha Yadav Enters Limca Book of Records For Longest Hair

Maharashtra Girl Akanksha Yadav Enters Limca Book of Records For Longest Hair - Sakshi Post

Meet Akanksha Yadav, who holds the record for having the longest hair in the Limca Book of Records.

"I have chopped (my hair) from beyond floor length to below the waist," Akanksha Yadav explained.

Akanksha Yadav Enters Limca Book of Records: Taking care of medium or even short-length hair needs a significant amount of time and work. On the other hand, Akanksha Yadav sees her 9 ft 10.5 inch (3.01 m) long hair as a "blessing."

Her efforts have won her a spot in the Limca Book of World Records for the years 2020-2022. Her name appears in the 30th volume of the Guinness Book of World Records for having the longest hair. Intriguingly, no one in India has broken her record since 2019.

The letter states, "Akanksha Yadav of Thane, Maharashtra, has the longest hair, which is 3.01m (9ft 10.5 in.) long."

"Winning a national title in itself is significant. Records are great. However, fulfillment, contribution, and ardour are even greater," Yadav, who is based in Mumbai, told the media.

In the India Book of Records, the pharmaceutical and management professional also holds the record for having the longest hair.

While the fitness fanatic and model would not share the secret to her long, lustrous locks, she does describe them as "a blessing."

When asked how she maintains her floor-length hair, she jokes, "I don't spend over 20 minutes on hair wash or other hair tasks during the day."

When asked if she had ever cut her hair, she said, "I have chopped from beyond floor-length to below the waist," Yadav explained.

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